Monday, March 23, 2009

Chapter 16: Courage The Cowardly Dog

"I always thought you were the brave one. But now I think you're a coward, Aisha"

BAM! You tell her Nadira! I think this sentence is going to change the book completely. This is a real wake up slap in the face for Aisha. She definitely needed it! I think this part is so significant because Nadira is really taking charge of the situation, and Aisha is kind of helplessly sitting back being pessimistic. It's kind of sad how Nadira and Ma are the ones trying to get things done, while Aisha and Abba are both saying that it's no use. I was sad to see Taslma go, I really liked her! She brightened up the book, made things interesting. No offense to Uncle, but I don't really think his presence would've helped get Abba up and moving, so I think his move is a good one, even though it is kind of depressing. What REALLY got me sad was Ali-Uncle's departure. I wonder what he is up to. The guys description made it seem like he was going on some sort of business trip, but I don't know! What do you guys think?

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