Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 11: Strong At Heart

"'Thanks, Nadira. You're the only one I know who could have done what you did. Figured all that out.'"

Well if that doesn't give Nadira a confidence boost what will? I really like this sentence though, because it felt like Nadira was finally being acknowledged for what she can do. Lily didn't say "Thanks, Nadira. I thought only your sister was that smart." She actually game Nadira credit for what she is capable of. I think that is going to come into play later, big time. Even though Nadira hates lying, she can do it when necessary. Aisha may be the debater, but I have a feeling that Nadira may turn out to be the main argument in chapters to follow.
For some reason Nadira can't seem to see the bright side of things. Lily tells Nadira that she is the only one who could've done that for her, and her first thought is "do I want to be a good argument if I'm going to hurt people?" Hellooooooo, you complain all book that you are invisible, then mope when someone thanks you and tell you that you are good at something. What do you think about Nadira's pessimism?


  1. Great Job James!
    I loved they way you wrote it, it was as if you were talking to the book. You made some great points. "Aisha may be the debater, but I have a feeling that Nadira may turn out to be the main argument in chapters to follow." I loved how you said Nadira may tunr out to be the main argument in the chapters to follow. This was great because we all know that Aisha is a great debater and she is always arguing with people. And we all know that Nadira is usually the one sitting in the corner being alone. I think it is a great prediction!
    Awesome Job!

  2. You make a really good point Sarah. Lilly could have said something mean like 'I thought your sister was the smart one out of you two.' but she didn't. Instead she said it in a way the made Nadira feel like she was... looked up to. I guess thats a good way to phrase it.
