Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chapter 15: Nadira's Pride

"All I keep thinking is I can't wait to tell Aisha."

Why does Nadira care what Aisha thinks so much? To a certain extent, I can empathize though. Everyone wants to impress their siblings, especially if the siblings are older, and are always outshining you. But why is that all Nadira can think about? Shouldn't she be happy that she just got Abba out of jail? I am very VERY impressed with Nadira! But I am thoroughly disappointed in everyone else, it is his name for crying out loud! Nadira's power of will was astonishing in itself, but her courage was even more astonishing.

sorry it isn't longer but i am in a hotel room at the moment :'( bad timing!


  1. I agree...why does Nadira care so much about what Aisha thinks? Probably because she's her older sister and looks up to her even if she is sometimes a witch to her sometimes...i know i can be pretty mean to my brother and he still looks up to me. It's a strange sibling thing but i still totally agree with you. Great diablog!

  2. i totally agree about the sibling thing
    even though i've never had siblings, the people in my riding lessons have always been very close friends who i look up to a lot and most of the time, want to impress
    it's a weird age complex thing
    why do we always have to impress the older people?

  3. Good good good,

    I think that Nadira can only think about telling Aisha because all she has ever had is the opposite. But if she can tell Aisha what she did that would be extremely impressive. Also like Samara and Ari said...the whole sibling thing is very weir. You always want to compete with your sibling over something. It can be important or entirely stupid. Thats just how we function. Good job and points!


  4. i think that Nadira is right to want to go tell her sister. I mean all she's ever heard is how great Aisha is and now her parents are proud of her. I would be really happy too.

  5. Agreed,

    I agree with you Amanda I think I'd be excited to tell my acomplishing sister about at least one thing that I've done!


  6. I would be excited to tell everyone if i won a legal argument, although Nadira makes it sound like she wants to boast.
    (Is good, even though its short ;D)

  7. I think she cared about her sisters feelings because she knew she was going through a rough time. She knew she gave up and lost hope, and may have wanted to cheer her up. However that may make her even more down in the dumps because her younger sister saved Abba and not her... I think Nadira cares a lot for her sister, plus it maybe foreshadowing something with Aisha. Nadira is in a happy mood, but who knows what Aisha is up to? I wonder how long it has been since Nadira left home...

  8. i think that trying to impress older siblings is kinda....well not worth it. i think that the only person you should be worried about impressing in your self. great post Sarah and congradulations!

  9. Nice post! I agree, it's strange how Nadira can only think about her sister. The sibling thing is strange, but there probably is some logic to it....I agree with Falcon though. I think that Nadira really just wants to tell her sister because she wants Aisha to cheer up. It must be hard for Nadira to see her sister like that, and she hopes that the good news that Abba and Ma are back will bring back the old Aisha.

  10. Great Job James!
    You made some good points. But I think that the reason she wanted to tell Aisha about what she did was because they were giving up hope. Nadira proved them all wrong. :D
    Falcon you made some really good points in your comment. I totally agree with you!

  11. Guess what guys! A brilliant observation-well kind of. So when Nadira saw her mother for the first time in a while she changed in a positive way, more confident. However when she saw her father she didn't recognize him-she did, but it wasn't like the father she knew. She had opposite reactions. I think the author intended on doing that because she wanted the contrast...

  12. i think the reason that Nadira cares so much is that all of her life Aisha has been her sort of measuring stick, showing her all the ways in which she isn't good enough. Kind of like pluto and it's moon- locked in orbit around each other. I don't think it's very healthy for nadira though. like kalli said, she really does want to impress aisha- i think she feels that impressing aisha will mean that she's finally done something "worthy".

  13. i agree with 'leste (if what you meant was that Nadira wanted to tell Aisha so she could prove her wrong)
    i think that Nadira was proud of her good work, but on another level, she REALLY wanted to be better than Aisha so that she could prove that she was worthy of going to college and being good at something too.

  14. specifically in response to samara and ari's earlier comments at the beginning of the blog, though i'm sure there has been other illustration on this point, it is a truly inexplicable thing. we take these people, and put them on pedestals, and they are the measuring sticks for our lives. we always wonder if their watching us, what they think of us. it's always what would ____ do? am i as good as____? i think that nadira won't be able to really live until she take a leaf out of Pink's book and goes at that pedestal with a chainsaw.

  15. Ari,
    That is exactly what I meant. I'm glad you caught my drift. :D
    Thats a great way of summing things up! I totally agree with you. But what do you mean by:
    "i think that nadira won't be able to really live until she take a leaf out of Pink's book and goes at that pedestal with a chainsaw."
    That totally sounds like something you would write but it doesn't makes sense at all.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I agree with Katy. The whole measuring stick is a great way to put it! Measuring sticks don't just apply to Nadira's case, but I think to most people...

    -from Jeff Corwin's #1 fan!!!! (YAY JEFF!!!) a.k.a Falcon

  18. I agree with the sibling thing. And Katy? I don't understand a single thing in which Celeste commented on, on her last post. Explain please. D:
    I definitely have some connection with Nadira. If I figured something out that my brother didn't that we were both trying to figure out, I would tell him. He could either help or be pissed that he didn't get it, but I think either way it would affect him. Plus, he would find out eventually, so what would be the point in not telling him? Especially if it was a good thing!

  19. Katy i also have no clue what you mean by the pink book leaf chainsaw thing.

  20. Katy, I have absolutely no idea what you mean....I'm quite lost

  21. Hey Ikey it's Mikey! I love how you encourage Nadira to be proud of herself, instead of her just caring what her sister will think. I agree, it's time for Nadira to walk in the spotlight, without her worring what her not-so-perfect-anymore sister will think. I mean, Aisha's letting her life fall apart just as Nadira's brilliance is wakening. I also agree that it is the nature of younger sibiling to try and impress their older sibilings, but I think once in a while they should forget about that and focus on themselves, especially since Nadira just accomplished the incredible!

  22. She's talking about the fact that Pink, the singer, took a chainsaw to a tree carved with love initials in her music video. Like revenge or something.

  23. Hmm...I see what you meant now Katy. But I still don't get how that has to do with Nadira....
